Welcome to


Our Mission

To be nurturing, inspiring, compassionate, and educated. Riley staff is committed to: showing respect for individual differences; providing students with the tools needed to achieve success academically and behaviorally; creating a safe learning atmosphere and developing responsible, independent, life-long learners

At Riley, we believe...

All Children:

Benefit from a learning environment where they feel safe, valued, and respected.

Have the capacity to grow and learn when given opportunities and resources.

Deserve access to a rigorous, well-designed curriculum.

Are capable of meeting appropriate and reasonable expectations.

Must be active participants in their learning.

All Staff will:

Teach grade-level content with differentiated supports to meet varied learning needs.

Collaborate, plan, and problem-solve. 

Engage in ongoing learning to improve content knowledge and educational best practices.

Be compassionate, patient, and flexible within our school community.

Create a safe learning environment that promotes trust, respect, and risk-taking.

Riley 5935 W Pratt Rd DeWitt, MI 48820 989-227-5100

Parent Perception Survey 

The Parent Perception Survey Window will open on January 21st, 2025, and will close on January 31st. 

Parent Perception Link - (click here

Back to School Letters

Kindergarten  Letter

1st Grade Letter

2nd Grade Letter

3rd Grade Letter

4th Grade Letter

5th Grade Letter




First Day of School August 26th

  • First Day of School 

Riley Open House on August 21st

  • 5 PM - 7 PM 
  • Please see the "WELCOME BACK NEWSLETTER" for more detailed information. 

Class List Release on August 19th

  • Teachers will send out welcome letters to families before school starts. 

Kindergarten Kick Off 

  • August 8th - 
    • Session 1 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Session 2 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Signing up for a session:
    • The signup link was sent to enrolled students through our Infinite Campus Messenger System on June 20th.  
    • A reminder email with the signup link will go out on July 22nd and August 3rd.

We look forward to seeing our new Kindergarten class on August 8th. 

Riley welcomes parental volunteers! For the safety and security of our students and the educational environment, we would like to remind all volunteers of the following guidelines

Volunteers - are anyone not employed by St. Johns Public Schools serving in capacity to assist within the school including, but not limited to, parents, grandparents, PTO members, guardians, etc.

Parent Volunteers must be at the request of a teacher and must be supervised by the teacher while in the building.  Volunteers may be allowed up to 1.5 hours of time per day, unless otherwise requested by the teacher to the building administrator and approved by the administrator.

Volunteers must be made aware of FERPA and confidentiality guidelines and agree to honor the law. (This will be done by either the classroom teacher or building administrator.)

All volunteers must check-in at the office and sign-in and get their badge to help identify them as a volunteer.

Volunteers are only allowed during normal school operating hours (9am-4pm), unless specifically serving in a scheduled before/after school activity approved by the administrator.

Volunteers will only be working in the classroom with which they have volunteered, and if working in an unsupervised one-on-one capacity with students they must pass a mandatory background check.

Volunteers may not bring other people with them to assist that were not requested by the teacher. (This includes younger children and siblings.)

Recess Guidelines

  • Recess in the winter can be a lot of fun, especially when students are dressed appropriately! Please make sure your child has a warm coat, snow pants, boots, mittens or gloves. We do have a limited supply of hats and gloves, but we do not provide snow pants or boots. 

    Riley Elementary adheres to the following district-wide guidelines:

    *   If the temperature or wind chill (temperature/wind chill = “feels like”) is 0 degrees or below, students will be inside for recess.

    *   Students may only be excused from outdoor recess with a signed doctor’s note. If your child is well enough to come to school, he/she is well enough to go to recess.

Health and Sickness Guidelines 

Kroger Community Rewards Program

  • You will need a Kroger Reward Card. Simply register your Kroger rewards Card online by going to the Kroger Community Rewards page typing Riley Elementary PTO in the search or by using this number WL135.

  • Every time you shop for groceries and swipe your card, Riley automatically earns a rebate!

Boxtops for Education

  • You will need the Box Tops App

  •  Simply download the app, register, scan your store receipts, and instantly add Box

  •  Tops to Riley's school earnings online.  BTFE.com

Newsboys Shoes or Boots

Contact Us

 Andrew Tisdale, Principal
(989) 227-5101
[email protected]

Kayelene Swanson,  Secretary
(989) 227-5102
[email protected], [email protected]

Mailing Address:
 Riley Elementary School

5935 W. Pratt Rd.
St. Johns, MI  48879

Physical Address: For GPS USE Only
 Riley Elementary School

5935 W. Pratt Rd.
Dewitt, MI  48820

(989) 227-5100
(989) 227-5199 fax

SCHOOL HOURS: 9:10 - 4:07

OFFICE HOURS:  8:40 - 4:30


8:55 am - Students May Arrive

9:05 am - First Bell

9:10 am - School Day Begins 

9:30 am - School Lunch Count Turned In

4:07 pm - Dismissal

LUNCH SCHEDULE (15 min. recess/15 min. lunch)

KDG       11:30 - 11:40 / 11:40 - 12:05

1ST       11:35 - 11:45 / 11:45 - 12:10

2ND      12:00 - 12:15 / 12:15 - 12:35

3RD      12:35 - 12:50 / 12:50 - 1:10

4TH       12:05 - 12:20 / 12:20 - 12:40

5TH       12:40 - 12:55 / 12:55 - 1:15

Afternoon Recess

KDG/4TH      2:20-2:40

3RD/5TH       2:45-3:05

1ST/2ND        3:35-3:55


Riley Specials Schedule

4 Day Specials Rotation

Maintained by SM 22-23