Pickup & Drop Off Procedures


8:10 am - Students May Arrive

8:25 am - School Day Begins 

3:22 pm - Dismissal



School starts at 8:25 am and ends at 3:22 pm. 

Morning Drop Off:

  • Students may be dropped off 15 minutes prior to the start of school at 8:10 am in the back parking lot. Students should wait in the car until a staff member comes outside.  Please pull all the way up to drop off your child(ren).

After School Pickup:

  • School dismisses at 3:22 pm daily. If you cannot pick up your child at  3:22 pm, please make arrangements with your child's teacher and the office. We are unable to provide after school care.

  • If your child will not be riding the bus or is going home with a friend, you must send a note to the school or call the school by 3:00 p.m. Unless we have a written note from a parent or a phone call, we will always send students home in their normal manner.

  • If your child is going to an alternate drop off from their normal bus ride, BOTH parents (the child who is going someplace different, and the parent of the child that is accepting them on that day), MUST send in a note. The bus garage will not drop students off at the alternate spot without notes from both parents.  

We kindly remind you to stop by the office to:
  • sign-in / sign-out your child whenever he/she is late or leaving early

  • check in and receive a visitor pass for your visit to the classroom, when speaking with the teacher and/or brining something to a classroom