
School Immunization Requirements

Your child must be up to date on their immunizations in order to start on the first day of school. Please check with your health care provider to ensure your child is up to date.

Immunization documentation is required for all students who are enrolled in St Johns Public Schools.  Talk to your child’s health care provider to make sure your child is up to date on their immunizations.  For additional information on recommended and required immunizations:

Michigan Health & Human Services

Current Immunization Requirements

If you choose to waive childhood vaccinations for your child, Michigan law requires a parent to get the waiver from their local health department. 

To reach the Mid-Michigan District Health Department call 989-224-2195.  The waiver must be presented to the child’s school before the child can begin school.

If a child is not current with his/her immunizations and if no waiver has been given to the school, the child will not be allowed in school until these documents are received from the family.

If you have questions or concerns you can call your child's school building office.

PDF DocumentMASN -- What are immunizations and how do they work?

PDF DocumentIf You Choose Not to Vaccinate Your Child Understand the Risks and Responsibilities

PDF DocumentMedical Contraindication Form in English

PDF DocumentMedical Contraindication Form in Spanish

PDF DocumentDTaP, Td & Tdap Vaccines: What makes them different? 

PDF DocumentTdap Vaccination: What is it?

PDF DocumentHuman Papillomavirus, Meningococcal & Other Vaccines for Pre-Teens and Teens 

PDF DocumentFlu Vaccine

PDF DocumentFact Sheet on Meningitis

PDF DocumentParent Letter on Meningococcal Vaccine

PDF Document Teens Vaccines Information for Parents